By: Sharanya Jain
It has been common knowledge that if we are ready and receptive we can derive knowledge from anything and that information may be valuable in the most dire and unforeseen situations. Who would have thought in our fight against climate change, the values we learnt from the members of LGBTQ+ might be constructive and advantageous.
Their remarkable tenacity in the face of persecution and adversity over the years urges us to stay strong and fight on. The ever inspiring open mindedness encourages not only ourselves, but everyone, to be a bit less judgmental and a lot more accepting and welcoming of everyone. It teaches everyone the importance of being honest and open about our thoughts and opinions and communicating them to everyone. These ideals can do more than just help us in our fight against climate change. They may also be immensely useful for our personal growth if they are incorporated in our lives.
The resilient and interdependent communities that LGBTQ people created to survive are already undermining conventional values individualism, materialism and rivalry. The struggle of LGBTQ persons involved in the environmental movement is extremely personal. Your chosen communities, friends and families are especially vulnerable when fast climate change causes more natural disasters and environmental degradation.. The transgender community has taught us to question what we consider to be normal. If we can attack the gender divide, we can tackle prisons, as well as the fossil fuel, agriculture, and plastics businesses.
It is believed trans men and women have high levels of social intelligence as a result of insights into what it meant to live life outside of the gender binary.
Because LGBTQ people are statistically more likely to be minorities in group situations, they learn to adjust their behaviours and emotions in order to avoid being aggressive or suspicious by their peers. This often results in the capacity to “read a room” and assess “proper” social reactions. Symptoms of culturally induced intolerance have given place to a variety of adaptive social abilities that sexual persons are less likely to have.
Concern about climate change is an integral part of queer identity. It expresses solidarity with the oppressed, which in this case could include almost anyone, opposition to the one percent that got us into this mess, and a sincere outrage fueled by decades of experience of LGBT activists.
Some LGBT activists have equated government delay on climate change to the government’s incapacity to address the AIDS problem, while others have connected climatic instability to the emergence of oppressive regimes targeting the LGBT population. When it comes to discussing and arguing the problem, activist organisations have already begun shifting the narrative, employing a variety of techniques to reach out to a larger audience.
We miss the interrelated and overlapping intricacies inherent in our society in an effort to describe issues in a simple and distinct way, and when we strip society of its complexity, we become oblivious to the symbiotic links that link the issues together. As a result, our efforts to address problems effectively are jeopardised. A good illustration of this phenomena is the interaction between gender equality and climate change.